Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Eyes meet and the magic begins…in your soul, surface ripples of another soul…the mind tries to hold back, with a prudent vigilance into the unknown, coz there’s always the possibility of getting lost in the feeling rather than the actual being…

It says to the heart, common mate, you won’t be able to handle this, so why venture into that mysterious, unfamiliar zone?

The heart says, I realize love may not be as enlightening as sun’s rays are, but I’m not seeking that anyway…I am seeking someone whose presence is as illuminating as a full moon, who rather than dazzling daylights out of my eyes, is saying, I am not sure what lies ahead, but I’ll be with you as long as I exist…who like a starlit sky, assures you not that darkness will not exist, but that clusters of joys are enough to overcome them…

The mind persists and asks; do you mean without this person, you will remain incomplete? That you will be unable to find happiness by yourself? Is that the reason?

The heart says, you rational fool, no! Do not assign a tinge of weakness to the feeling of love…yes, we are all incomplete, we are all fractured…cracked somewhere or the other…love may eventually fill those gaps, but that’s not why we love…

We do coz we are destined to…


Sandeep Menon said...

Wow...man....Alok that was profound...I never knew you could elucidate this emotion so well....Hey, you are a philosopher too...Keep pouring out your thoughts..it is indeed refreshing and intresting to read them...

mistipurple said...

hello a.
love is confusing, and yet affirming.

Anonymous said...

very cool..
have you read any Hafiz?

A said...

@ Sandeep: Profound??? Philosopher??? :D Thanks...

@ mistipurple: Donno what that meant.

@ mb: No havent read hafiz atall...Who's he? What does/did he write about?